We are pleased that Toastmasters International is part of the BNI Medallion Program. One benefit of the program is access to our BNI Chapter Placement Concierge.
Our concierge service is simple way for Toastmasters International Members to find a local BNI Chapter. Once you submit the concierge form, a BNI representative will reach out to you to help determine the best chapter for you to visit based on your professional classification. In BNI, we only allow one person per profession to join a chapter, giving you exclusive marketing rights.
As a BNI Member, you will be part of an exclusive network dedicated to helping grow your business. By building relationships with fellow BNI chapter members you will create a supportive network that will go beyond your chapter meetings.
Plus, your BNI membership gives you access to mentors, other business professionals and a whole host of courses through our proprietary learning center, BNI Business Builder, to help you build your skills and confidence.
We look forward to seeing you at a meeting soon!